Hire To Retire Background

The hire-to-retire process represents the entire journey of an employee within an organization, from recruitment and onboarding to retirement or separation. It begins with identifying talent needs, sourcing candidates, and selecting the right individuals for open positions. Keeping employee records updated is of paramount importance for several reasons. Updated employee records ensure accurate and reliable information about employees' personal details, employment history, and qualifications, essential for HR functions such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and compliance with labor laws and regulations. Keeping employee records updated supports employee engagement and satisfaction by ensuring that employees' preferences, contact information, and work-related preferences are current and accessible, fostering communication, recognition, and support tailored to individual needs. The right assignment and FTE information helps the organization in planning and budgeting.

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Worker management

Simplify the employee data migration and management with the Simplified Loader Excel sheets. The Excel sheet allows for managing sections of the Worker record, including

Hire To Retire Work Management

The functionality provided by the Excel template is not limited to creating new records. Our comprehensive solution allows for pulling employee details from Oracle to Excel and subsequently updating the record directly from Excel in Oracle.

Hire to Retire Frame

Not limited to creating
new records


Allow pulling employee
details from oracle to excel


Enables updating records
directly from excel to oracle


Useful for creating new
assignments and terminating


Supports over 90 operations for
updating worker records


Comprehensive solution for all
possible updates to the worker record

Hire to Retire Frame 3

Not limited to creating
new records

Hire to Retire Frame 4

Allow pulling employee
details from oracle to excel

Hire to Retire Frame 5

Enables updating records
directly from excel to oracle

Hire to Retire Frame 6

Useful for creating new
assignments and terminating

Hire to Retire Frame 7

Supports over 90 operations for
updating worker records

Hire to Retire Frame 8

Comprehensive solution for all
possible updates to the worker record

The Excel template is also handy for creating new assignments or terminating someone. With over 90 operations available, the template supports all possible updates to the Worker record.

To review all operations related to the Worker template.

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Data Migration

Data Migration Frame

Accurate person records migration is crucial for organizations undergoing digital transformations, system upgrades, or migrations to new HR systems. The records typically contain essential information about employees, contractors, or other personnel, including personal details, employment history, qualifications, and performance data. The importance of migrating accurate person records lies in several key areas, such as HR compliance, employee experience, operational efficiency, and data-driven decision-making.

Simplified Loader Excel sheets have no boundaries when loading Employee data to Oracle. The Excel file allows data to be loaded to all sections available on a person's record in Fusion. The Simplified Loader Excel makes data management easy for the business. Use Excel to load primary assignments and multiple secondary assignments.

Step 01

No boundaries for loading employee data to Oracle

Step 02

Allows data loading to all sections of a person's record in Fusion

Step 03

Simplifies data management for businesses

Step 04

Enables loading of primary and multiple secondary assignments

Manage Payroll Elements

Payroll element entry is crucial in payroll management for several reasons. It serves as the foundation for accurately calculating employee compensation and benefits. Each payroll element represents a component of an employee's pay, such as regular salary, overtime, bonuses, or deductions like taxes and insurance premiums. By accurately entering these elements into the payroll system, organizations ensure that employees are paid correctly and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Organizations can define and configure various payroll elements based on employee classifications, pay structures, and company policies. This flexibility allows organizations to accommodate complex payroll scenarios, such as variable pay rates, special allowances, or unique deduction requirements.

Payroll Element

  • Organizations can define and
    configure elements
  • Based on employee classifications,
    pay structures, and company
  • Accommodates complex scenarios
    for variable pay rates, special
    allowances, and unique deduction

Simplified Loader
Payroll Template

  • Allow creating and assigning payroll
    elements to multiple employees
  • Example: Assigning a car allowance to
    500 employees in single click
  • Facilitates efficient and large-scale
    payroll operations
Manage Payroll Elements Frame

of payroll
element entry

  • Crucial for accurate
    payroll management
  • Foundation for
    calculating employee
    compensation and
  • Ensures correct and
    compliant employee

The Simplified Loader Payroll template allows creating and assigning Payroll Elements to any number of employees with a single click. For example, the organization introduced a Car Allowance, which needs to be assigned to 500 employees. Such operations can be performed using the Simplified Loader template in a single click.

Timecard administration

Timecard administration Frame

Entering time on behalf of an absent employee is important for maintaining accurate records and ensuring timely payroll processing. An accurate timecard ensures Compliance, Payroll Accuracy, Employee Benefits, Workforce Planning, and Legal Protection. An administrator may enter timecard data on behalf of an employee in several scenarios, such as Employee Absence, Technical Issues, Remote Work Arrangements, Temporary Assignments, Training or Transition Periods, or Emergency Situations.

Scenarios for administrator entry of timecard data

  • Employee absence
  • Technical issues
  • Remote work arrangements
  • Temparary assignments
  • Training or transition periods
  • Emergency situations

Standard offering limitations

No easy way to manage timecards across multiple employee

Simplified loader template for timecard management

  • Gives administrator great control over entering timecards
  • Requires basic details: employee number, payroll or project details, and time measure
  • Allows uploading timecards for multiple employees in a single click

The standard Oracle offering has no easy way to manage timecards across multiple employees. The Simplified Loader template for timecard management gives the administrator great control when entering timecards on behalf of the person. The administrator simply needs to key the basic details like a person’s employee number, payroll or project details, and time measure. After entering these details, the administrator could upload timecards for as many employees in a single click.