Compare FBDI and ADFdi with Simplified Loader

Oracle Fusion offers the data upload from an Excel file into Oracle. The templates provided for data upload are FBDI (HDL) or ADFdi (HSDL). Below is a detailed comparison of the features and functionalities provided by the standard toolset vs. the Simplified Loader.

Feature FBDI ADFdi Simplified Loader
Flexible Layout ✘ Rigid columns sequence and date format
✘ Requirement to organize data in separate sheets means an additional Macro is necessary to format data.
✘ Rigid columns sequence
✘ Inability to copy and paste data
✔ Column layout can be adjusted to the user’s requirements
✔ Ability to delete or hide columns not required for data input
✔ Ability to add custom columns to help data analysis
✔ Flexible date format (i.e. enter date format per user's preference)

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Plugin Installation on the user’s machine ✔ Not needed - Runs as a standalone file ✘ Need ADFdi plugin ✔ Not needed - Runs as a standalone file
Support for data input by end-users ✘ No lookups
✘ Too Technical to share with end-users
✘ Needs macro to convert data
✘ The end-user must have ADFdi plugin
✘ The end-user must have Oracle account
✔ Supports offline lookups
Supports offline validation

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Character Support ❑ Few FBDI files supports Unicode character set ✔ Supports Unicode character set ✔ Supports Unicode character set

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Sharing sheet ✔ Possible, but recipients have no access to lookups ✘ Can only be shared with users who have the ADFdi plugin and access to the Oracle. ✔ Recipients can capture data and utilize lookups without logging in to Oracle Fusion
✔ Ability to disable upload functionality before sharing the Template

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Time taken for initial setup on the user machine ✔ None ✘ ADFdi plugin installation ✔ None - Get the file and immediately start using it
Data download ✘ Not possible ✔ Very few ADFdi Templates support specific data download ✔ Each Template comes with pre-designed operations that download data from Oracle Fusion using SQL queries.
✔ Possibility to customize SQL queries.

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Single Sign-On ❑ Not Applicable ✔ Supported ✔ Supported

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Fusion (Non-SSO) login ❑ Not Applicable ✔ Supported ✔ Supported

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Custom Validation ✘ Not possible ✘ Not possible ✔ Any custom validation is possible.
✔ Gives control to Admin to turn the validation on or off at the template level or user level

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Version Control ✘ No control to stop users from using an older FBDI version file ✘ New ADFdi version requires IT Dept involvement ✔ New versions of Templates can simply be distributed by email to users.
✔ Ability for Admin to centrally turn off any data exchange with Oracle Fusion using older template versions.

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Data Transformation Rule ✘ Not possible ✘ Not possible ✔ Any custom rule is possible to transform data.
✔ Gives control to the Admin to turn transformation logic on / off at the template level or user level.
Selective upload ✘ Not possible ✔ Supported ✔ Supported

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Error Reporting ✘ Time-consuming
✘ Users need to look for the error message in the log and output file of ‘Load Interface’ or log and output file of the actual input process
✘ Tool not designed for the end-user
✔ Error details are not part of the input table. User needs to click on individual rows to view error messages ✔ The error message is part of the actual transaction.

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Resolving error ✘ Errors need to be fixed in the source CSV file.
✘ The user needs to complete the entire upload process again to confirm if the error has been resolved
✔ Error fixed within the same file ✔ Error fixed within the same file

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Organizing Transactions ✘ Data for Parent and Child records are maintained in separate sheets ✔ Limited fields available for the user to enter data ✔ All data (irrespective of hierarchy level) is entered and maintained in the same sheet

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Steps involved to upload ✘ Extended process involving seven steps:
- Prepare CSV
- Generate ZIP
- Load ZIP
- Execute Load Interface.
- Review Log and Output files for error
- Execute Import process
- Review Log and Output files for error
✔ Depending on ADFdi integrator, either one-step upload or data upload using Fusion interface tables ✔ Single click upload

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Restriction on number of records (Mass upload) ✔ None ✔ None ✔ None
Upload Speed ✔ Fast ✔ Fast ✔ Fast
DFF ✘ Uses Attribute 1 naming ✔ Displays DFF field name
✘ Puts DFF fields as multiple segments under a single column
✔ Displays DFF field name

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Use of WebService (SOAP and REST) ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Not Applicable ✔ Uses REST / SOAP API
Real-time or Batch processing ❑ Batch processing ✔ Real-time ✔ Real-time
User Management for Data Upload ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Not Applicable ✔ Maintain users in Oracle Lookup tables

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File Management ✘ Produces six files to perform a successful upload.
✘ The number of files multiplies for each error resolution cycle
✔ Single file ✔ Single file